Rural Connections
Ag Connections' agricultural roots are apparent at the company’s headquarters, two converted barns in rural Kentucky.

For many Americans, the term “office” conjures up images of a cubicle-laden room complete with harsh overhead lighting and gray, tight-knit carpeting. But for many of Ag Connections’ employees, something different comes to mind.
While a team of seven employees works in the heart of Murray, Kentucky—with several others sprinkled remotely across the country—the core of Ag Connections is located in rural Calloway County, Kentucky. Two old tobacco barns on farmland owned by co-founder Rick Murdock provide 23 employees with a completely refurbished space, plus something extra.
“Every employee has a window, allowing them to look out at nature,” says Murdock.
Inside and outside the office, a sense of community runs strong. The long-standing relationships that Ag Connections has built with other local professionals over the years is something Murdock values.
“West Kentucky Rural Telephone has worked with us to install fiber-optic Internet and an IP phone system,” he says. “In our remote location, we have a 100-megabyte-per-second Internet speed with access to 1 gigabyte. We also work with Murray State University to find qualified graduates in the areas of expertise we need. It’s these close ties to local partners that help make Ag Connections a very special place to work—and this community a place we’re proud to call home.”
While a team of seven employees works in the heart of Murray, Kentucky—with several others sprinkled remotely across the country—the core of Ag Connections is located in rural Calloway County, Kentucky. Two old tobacco barns on farmland owned by co-founder Rick Murdock provide 23 employees with a completely refurbished space, plus something extra.
“Every employee has a window, allowing them to look out at nature,” says Murdock.
Inside and outside the office, a sense of community runs strong. The long-standing relationships that Ag Connections has built with other local professionals over the years is something Murdock values.
“West Kentucky Rural Telephone has worked with us to install fiber-optic Internet and an IP phone system,” he says. “In our remote location, we have a 100-megabyte-per-second Internet speed with access to 1 gigabyte. We also work with Murray State University to find qualified graduates in the areas of expertise we need. It’s these close ties to local partners that help make Ag Connections a very special place to work—and this community a place we’re proud to call home.”