Farm Production
Articles that focus on productivity and efficiency in the field
Shielding Sustainability
Crop protection technologies hold the line while farmers advance the sustainability front.
Featured This Season
Growers Push for High Yields to Win the National Corn Yield Contest
Many participants find more bushels per acre with Acuron corn herbicide.
Seasons Vary but Growers Remain Steadfast
Combining more than 60 years’ worth of knowledge, two corn growers share their agricultural expertise.
Strong Partnerships Build Better Crop Protection
One long-lasting grower-sales relationship shows the value of trust in partnership.
Ask the Experts: Stewardship in Action
Saving salmon habitats translates to bigger environmental conservation efforts.
Summer 2023
H-2A Program Helps Ag Businesses Find and Retain Reliable Employees
With a shortage of labor impacting many industries, the H-2A program helps many farms fill the gap.
Data Point: Easing the Ag Employment Gap
Navigating an ever-evolving workforce and the H-2A visa program.
Central Illinois Growers Face Complex Herbicide-resistant Waterhemp
Collaboration between Syngenta and Ag-Land FS reduces weed pressure via non-herbicide solutions.
Prep the Farm for Extreme Weather
Improved technology helps with faster disaster recovery.
How to Safeguard Farm Assets Against Extreme Weather
While no farmer knows the outcome of any season, there are opportunities available to mitigate some of the risks.
Maximizing Spray Applications (Video)
Experts share how to achieve maximum yield through proper spray applications.
Spring 2023
Modern Fungicides are Doing More for Your Crops
Protecting yield potential and the disease triangle should factor into your foliar corn fungicide decisions.
Aerial Applications are More Effective and Accurate Than Ever Before
Calibration technology improves the performance of aerial fungicide applications, giving growers a viable option to ground operations.
The Sky is the Opportunity for Soybean Success
The partnership between Palmer Flying Service and Syngenta provides retailers and growers with aerial fungicide applications to help increase yields in corn, soybean and specialty crops.
Georgia Peanut Farmer Focuses on Disease Control to Improve Crop Yield
Controlling disease at Southern Grace Farms also helps farmer Tim McMillian reduce the quality and yield impact from weather conditions.
Is Working Capital Keeping Up?
During periods of strong profitability and rising production costs, working capital reveals the resiliency of farm balance sheets.
Keep an Eye on Fixed Costs on the Farm
Stay focused with these three strategies as production costs increase.
Fungicides Flying High: The Speed and Precision of Aerial Application (Video)
An agricultural pilot shares how proper aerial application can improve crop yield.
Winter 2022
Tips to Time Planting for High Yield and Crop Performance
Growers have many resources to create strong yield opportunity when planting conditions don’t fall on the ideal calendar dates.
Mitigate Sudden Death Syndrome with Proper Soybean Seed Selection
Soybean experts explain how seed selection and seed treatments help reduce incidence of Sudden Death Syndrome.
How High Are Cash Rental Rates?
Viewing rental rates in a vacuum may not capture the entire story.
Global Grain Stocks Tighten Further
With tighter commodity stocks, more production acres are required to meet demand.
Variable Cropland Values Impact Farm Outlook
Certain crops and regions have benefited more from increased farmland valuation.
Fall 2022
Seed Selection Well-Suited to Geography Maximizes Yield Potential
Seed selection for unique conditions is a pathway to higher profit potential
Loan Repayment Terms Drive Down Debt Service
Unpacking the question of whether interest rates or repayment terms drive debt service levels.
Ask the Experts: Kellogg Co. and Syngenta Unite to Help Rice Growers Reduce Methane Emissions
A new program offers methane-reduction assistance to some rice growers in Louisiana and Mississippi.
Corn Pushes China’s Ag Purchases to Record Levels
China imports more corn than ever as demand rises, and domestic production stagnates.
Summer 2022
Weed Control is Year-Round (Video)
Experts share tips to help growers eliminate weed competition and protect yield.
Got Soybean Oil?
A surge in soybean oil used as biofuel may be helping drive prices to a historic high.
Ask the Experts: Defend Your Yield from Southern Rust
Experts from two different regions explain how a few key strategies can help growers protect their yields from Southern rust in corn.
Plan to Profit
Regardless of price or cost each year, growers need a solid plan to achieve desired profit.
Oilseeds Drive Global Acreage Boom
farm production
South American, South Asian and former Soviet Union countries dominated new harvested acres.
Deep in the Weeds: Protect your crop early to maximize yield opportunity
Protect your crop early to maximize yield opportunity.
Plan Programs to Help Fight Herbicide-Resistant Weeds
Managing herbicide-resistant weeds in corn requires a multifaceted approach.
Supply Chain Storm
The dynamic plans of Syngenta allowed it to navigate a stretched supply chain.
What's the Deal with Cost per Bushel?
Growers can unlock marketing insights comparing cost per bushel and cost per acre in their fields.
Spring 2022
Plant Health Involves More Than Meets the Eye
Fungicides protect crops from diseases, but they can also provide additional benefits.
Calculate the Danger of Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus in Peanut Fields
The Peanut Rx sheet offers growers a valuable tool for assessing a field’s disease risk.
Plant Health for Permanent Crops
Fungicides help improve plant health in permanent crops for the long term.
Strategize for Problem Weeds
Combine planning, technology and flexibility to overcome weed control obstacles
Winter 2021
Economic Sustainability Is Essential to Farms
The AgriEdge® whole-farm management system is integral to planning and helps growers make data-driven decisions faster.
Control the Weed Seed for Cleaner Fields
Consistent, on-time application of residual herbicides cleans fields and protects yields.
Farmers Share Weed Management Experience
Acuron® corn herbicide helps Sutton, Nebraska, farm succeed.
Making Cents of Agronomics
Two AgriEdge® managers share how growers can create budgets, prepare for in-season costs, and find the balance between highest possible yield and maximum profit potential.
Driving Profit Potential With Digital Solutions
Syngenta works every day to be your agronomic solutions innovator, digital confidant and sustainability partner.
5 Tips To Boost Yield Potential
Preseason planning and early-season inputs are critical for establishing corn’s yield potential, while season-long pest control protects it.
Farmers Are the Original Environmentalists
Stewardship practices not only support the environment, but they also may help decrease production costs.
Fall 2021
Four Tips To Harvest Lodged Corn
Severely lodged corn can put yield potential at risk. One way or another, however, it must be harvested safely and carefully.
Profit by the Bushel
The ag economist and business intelligence lead for Syngenta offers tips for planning for productivity.
Fall 2020
Soybean Roots Are Out of Sight but Top of Mind
The dual threats of Sudden Death Syndrome and soybean cyst nematode require a multipronged defense.
First Decision, First Line of SDS Defense
The NK soybean portfolio offers industry-leading SDS-resistant varieties to help protect against Sudden Death Syndrome.
Protect Soybean Roots From SDS and SCN for Better Yield Potential
Seed treatments that help keep roots healthy can benefit growers at harvest.
Shielding Seed Early May Pay Dividends Later
Two experts offer guidance to growers and retailers on choosing, applying and stewarding yield-protecting seed treatments.
Digital Imagery Puts Retailers and Growers a Step Ahead
Retailers can use FarmShots, a powerful imaging technology, to make effective, up-to-the-minute field recommendations for growers.
Meeting Agricultural Challenges Together
Syngenta is focused on helping farmers reduce risk.
Managing at the Margins
Maximizing yield potential means more bushels in the bin and more dollars in the bank.
Summer 2020
Driving Demand for U.S. Ag Products
Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, U.S. ag exports fundamentals are sound and recent trade deals hold promise for future gains.
Managing MRLs to Minimize Trade Troubles
The synchronization of Maximum Residue Levels is an important step facilitating international trade in agricultural goods.
Powering Innovation in Vegetable Seeds
Production challenges combined with consumer demands fuel the need for fast-paced developments in bringing new vegetable varieties to market.
In the Vanguard of Vegetable Crop Protection
Continuous innovation is the key to meeting the many challenges that vegetable growers face.
Technology Reduces Farm Labor Needs
As farmers continue to struggle with labor shortages, technology steps in with innovative tools to help bridge the gap.
On Guard Against Citrus Greening
Two agronomists offer region-specific insights on a disease that strikes fear in Florida and Western U.S. citrus growers.
Focus on the Acre
Innovative seed, trait and crop protection products help optimize production and increase economic and agronomic sustainability on each acre.
Despite Pandemic, Ag Export Markets Still Make Major Economic Impact
This infographic provides an overview of the important role that agricultural exports play in the U.S. economy.
Spring 2020
The Economics of Agronomics
In times when margins are tight, the economic well-being of most growers and their families depends on making strategic agronomic decisions.
Cutting-Edge Technologies Help Manage Costly Insects
Experts from across the country offer insights and solutions to growers’ most pressing 2020 insect challenges.
Prescription for Premium Peanut Yields
The Peanut Doctor, Wilson Faircloth, Ph.D., is open for consultation on peanut disease.
Two Decades of Innovation at Syngenta
The history of Syngenta includes major brand launches, important discoveries and customer-focused initiatives.
Make Weed Resistance Management a Top Priority
Weed management can be a key factor in maintaining a farm’s yield potential and profitability for the long run.
Pest Patrol Helps Protect Crops From Damaging Insects
This Syngenta program offers timely updates on local outbreaks, weather, current pest levels and treatment recommendations.
Syngenta Delivers Innovation From the Ground Up
Continuous innovation is the key to meeting the many challenges that agriculture faces.
Winter 2020
Keep Fields Clean With Proactive Steps, Innovative Herbicides
After the weather challenges of the 2019 growing season, elevated weed pressure is likely. These early-season steps can help keep fields clean in 2020.
Start Clean in 2020 With Gramoxone
Because of an increased seed bank, growers should use an effective burndown treatment to avoid early-season weed competition with the crop.
Prevention Is the Best Cure for Crop Diseases
Corn, soybean and wheat growers should have a proactive plan to manage this year’s higher-than-normal chance of disease outbreaks.
Double the Disease Protection for Peanuts
By building a spray program with the right fungicides, growers can help protect their peanuts from white mold and leaf spot.
Superior Packaging Enhances Safety and Sustainability
Cutting-edge technology and standard-setting tests make Syngenta packaging uniquely superior.
Take the Long View for Effective Insect Management
Syngenta Seeds and Crop Protection experts advise growers to keep in mind the return on investment effective insect control measures can bring.
New Tool for Weed Resistance Management
Find out how far herbicide resistance has spread with a new interactive map.
Fall 2019
Syngenta Seedcare Delivers Real-World Solutions
Syngenta Seedcare continues its long history of excellence with new seed treatment innovations and outstanding service.
Practical Agronomic Solutions on Demand
Syngenta has developed technologies using artificial intelligence to capture and translate its agronomic know-how into easy-to-use digital formats.
Focused Use of Farm Data Yields Better Results
Knowing which data to pay attention to is an important part of using digital technology to improve farm productivity.
40 Years of Innovation in Seedcare
For 40 years, Syngenta and its legacy companies have been making important advances in Seedcare.
Data Can Benefit the Entire Value Chain
Syngenta Sustainable Solutions connects upstream and downstream partners for the mutual benefit of all.
A Leading-Edge Fungicide Helps Control Fusarium Head Blight
Miravis Ace fungicide can help manage the risk of a potentially devastating threat to cereal crops.
An Unwavering Focus on Seedcare Excellence
Syngenta Seedcare combines industry-leading products with outstanding customer service.
Know the Basics of Your Farm Data
Farm data is valuable, so be sure to ask these basic questions before entrusting it to a data company.
Good Stewardship Is Key to Safety, Protecting Valuable Technologies
Syngenta properly stewards Tavium Plus VaporGrip Technology and Enogen corn enzyme technology so that growers will have these tools for years to come.
New Digital Tools Require Careful Evaluation
Before adopting any new digital tool, Syngenta puts it through a rigorous proof of concept.
Summer 2019
Root Out Rootworms
Long-term strategies to manage resistance in corn rootworm is key to preserving valuable technologies.
NK Seeds: A Legacy of Innovation
The Syngenta seed brand leads the way in seed selection.
The Core Values of Golden Harvest Seed
Golden Harvest showcases its values through strong genetics, agronomy and service.
Enogen Helps Fuel the Farm Economy
Enogen corn provides the opportunity to earn a per-bushel premium for grain delivered to ethanol plants.
A Better Path Forward for Seeds
Syngenta Seeds is combining innovative research and local field support to deliver enhanced opportunities to growers.
Enogen Delivers Efficient Nourishment for Cattle
Enogen Feed corn offers growers simplicity and profit potential to help beef and dairy producers be more successful.
Recruiting Young Ag Professionals
Two experienced recruiters share ways employers can stand above the competition for top ag talent.
Seed Selection Matters
Growers should consider a range of agronomic factors when choosing their seed.
Spring 2019
Industry Fights Against Citrus Greening
Growers remain resolute as the search for solutions to citrus greening continues.
Syngenta Makes the Right Moves for Product Logistics
A crop-protection supplier must have the right transportation plan to ensure timely delivery of its products.
Minecto Pro Insecticide Protects Specialty Markets
Minecto Pro insecticide provides broad-spectrum control of lepidopteran pests and sucking insects in specialty crops.
Spud Doctor Videos Share Agronomic Tips on Potatoes
The video series is a great way to learn how Syngenta products can maximize the potential of potatoes.
Citrus Greening: Impacts and Solutions
Citrus greening, also known as Huanglongbing, is a devastating bacterial disease affecting U.S. citrus production.
Manage Navel Orangeworm in Tree Nuts With Syngenta Insecticides
Minecto Pro and Besiege help protect tree nut crops.
Minecto Pro Helps Growers Protect Against Citrus Thrips
To preserve yields, citrus growers must manage this damaging pest.
2019 Soybean Disease Outlook: Prepare for Higher Disease Severity and Resistance
High-performance fungicide helps soybean growers manage diseases under the toughest conditions.
Growers Show Resilience in Overcoming Natural Disasters
When Mother Nature dealt out natural disasters last year, rural communities responded with resilience.
Winter 2019
Adding Value in a Challenging Ag Market
As regulations and economic forces drive price increases in the crop input market, Syngenta is positioned to lessen the impact on growers and offer more than just a fair price.
Bulk Orders Offer Many Benefits
Both retailers and growers benefit from the lower price and convenience of bulk orders.
Get Ahead of Weed Resistance
Growers should take a proactive approach to managing resistance and keeping their herbicide programs effective.
Manage Metabolic Resistance
When weeds develop metabolic resistance to herbicides, they render those products ineffective.
Delivering Value to Growers and Resellers
In an era of rising costs, Syngenta is committed to providing the products and services growers and resellers need to maximize their success.
Field Perspectives on the 2019 Growing Season
Three Syngenta sales representatives share their insights on what lies ahead in 2019 for the agricultural communities they serve.
Syngenta Streamlines Costs Without Sacrificing Value to Customers
Syngenta is committed to containing costs, while still delivering exceptional products.
Stay in Bounds: Steps to Mitigate Spray Drift
Growers and applicators should use all the information and tools available to prevent or reduce spray drift.
Fall 2018
Maximize Soybean Yields With an Effective Weed Management Strategy
Incorporating multiple effective sites of action into your herbicide program is the key to keeping weeds at bay.
Seed Treatment Formulation Is Crucial for Early-Season Disease Protection
While many seed treatments look the same, it’s important to recognize that they are not all created equal.
Digital Technology Is Transforming Ag Production Practices
As the “internet of things” grows within the agriculture industry, digital technologies are revolutionizing ag production practices.
Ag Connections Offers Dedicated Support and Service
The support team at the company’s call center is dedicated to making its customers' lives easier.
Powerful Fungicides Are Available for Specialty and Vegetable Producers
Syngenta has recently added two Adepidyn fungicide formulations to its specialty and vegetable crop portfolio.
Social Media Is Proving Its Worth for Ag Professionals
Social media is expected to become an increasingly important means of communication for resellers and growers.
Digital Ag Is the New Frontier in Agriculture
Digital ag will help growers and resellers make better agronomic and business decisions.
Seed Treatments Require Proper Handling
Industry experts agree that properly stewarding seed treatments is a shared responsibility.
Syngenta Has a Winning Roster of Fungicides
Syngenta goes all-in on disease control, adding Miravis fungicide to its 2019 lineup.
Summer 2018
A New Era of Innovation in Agriculture
An unprecedented wave of innovation is giving Syngenta the capability to meet the 21st century needs of growers and resellers.
Enogen Energizes Feed for Cattle
Enogen Feed corn unlocks feed’s energy potential, providing dairy and beef cattle producers with an efficient nutrition resource.
Enogen Fuel Footprint Expands
Enogen corn enzyme technology is gaining rapid popularity among ethanol producers.
The Attribute Trait Stack Simplifies Growing Sweet Corn
An unprecedented wave of innovation is giving Syngenta the capability to meet the 21st century needs of growers and resellers.
The Attribute II Trait Stack Delivers Key Benefits to Sweet Corn Varieties
TripleSweet corn varieties with the Attribute II Trait Stack offers a range of characteristics to meet grower needs and consumer demands.
Spring 2018
Citrus Growers Excited by New Insecticide
Citrus growers say Minecto Pro is one of the best insecticides to hit the market.
Solatenol Fungicides Provide Long-Lasting Disease Protection
Potent succinate dehydrogenase inhibitor (SDHI) fungicides from Syngenta offer powerful protection for a wide range of crops.
Pest Patrol Celebrates 10 Years
The Syngenta Pest Patrol program has given growers in the South advance warning of invasive insects for the past decade.
Syngenta Invests in the Future of Agriculture
Syngenta leaders are optimistic about the long-term prospects for farming and are focused on helping the ag industry prosper.
Customer-First Approach Delivers Exceptional Value
Syngenta is committed to offering innovative products and services.
Insect Insights Can Help Improve Yields
Early detection and the right technologies help growers boost profit potential.
Winter 2018
Syngenta Is Committed to Building Long-Term Business Partnerships
To prescribe the best crop solutions, Syngenta focuses on generating field force excellence and earning sustained partnerships.
Syngenta Citrus Scouting Interns Generate Valuable Reports for Growers
Land.db proves a valuable and versatile tool for citrus scouting interns to report their findings.
Zeon Technology Enhances Insecticide's Performance
Endigo ZC insecticide used this encapsulation technology to protect the product’s active ingredient and to improve coverage on a plant’s surface.
The Citrus Scouting Internship Program Helps Launch Ag Careers
A Syngenta internship program has proved to be an important steppingstone for college students and a source of important information for growers.
Agronomists Forecast Regional Pest Challenges
Syngenta experts shed light on the top crop threats facing growers in their areas—and the solutions that will help keep local farms productive.
Syngenta Products Offer Benefits That Generics Don't
At Syngenta, brand names are backed by $1.3 billion in annual research and development and a steadfast dedication to customer service.
Fall 2017
Know the Questions to Ask About Seed Treatments
When it comes to seed treatments, growers need to make sure they are getting the protection they need.
New Digital Team Focuses on Whole-Farm Management and Sustainability
The Digital Agriculture Solutions group will collaborate globally across multiple business areas in an effort to better meet growers’ needs.
Syngenta Is Committed to Protecting Grower Data
Syngenta and its partners develop solutions to help growers better use farm data, while protecting their privacy.
Syngenta Fosters Strong Relationships Through Communication
Syngenta values having an open dialogue with its customers.
Data Can Boost Efficiency and Crop Marketability
Syngenta Sustainable Solutions benchmarks data that help growers demonstrate their progress with environmental stewardship.
Seed Treatments Are Investments Worth Making
High-tech seed treatments and local support are giving growers’ crops a healthier start and more bountiful finish.
Summer 2017
NK Seeds Offer Global Technology, Local Expertise
Global innovation and local service combine to maximize yields in NK Corn and Soybeans.
Farmer Breaks Yield Ceiling With Golden Harvest Seed
The right Golden Harvest hybrid and agronomic practices can help farmers achieve a more bountiful harvest.
The System for Naming Agrisure Traits and Stack Technology
Syngenta has developed an easy-to-understand system of naming traits and stack technology.
Syngenta Projects Help Growers Achieve Sustainability Goals
Syngenta is undertaking several projects to help farmers improve sustainability and meet the requirements of food companies.
Spring 2017
Syngenta Expands Enzyme Technology Into Feed Market
Enogen Feed corn offers excellent yield potential and may enhance the digestibility of grain for cattle
The Solatenol Story
After fifteen years of research and development, a powerful new active ingredient is now available in four separate product offerings.
Step-by-Step: The Farming Journey
Get set for a new immersive trade-show experience that goes from seed to harvest.
Wise Investments Can Help Produce Better Yields
Crop inputs, such as fungicides, are often a winning proposition, even during a period of low commodity prices.
Ethanol Production Creates a Growing Number of Opportunities
Enogen corn helps farmers become enzyme suppliers to the ethanol industry, which continues to expand and innovate.
A Prescription for Managing Weed Resistance
Growers need a multifaceted approach to prevent and manage the costly challenges posed by weeds.
Growers Power Up With Potent Fungicide
Trivapro fungicide is positioned to become a staple in many growers’ disease-control programs, because it offers powerful, long-lasting protection.