Research & Development
Explorations of Syngenta innovations that will benefit growers
Soybean Yield Competitions Generate Valuable Data
Data on best management practices collected from yield contests can help other growers.
Featured This Season
Collaboration Makes Lasting Impact on Ag Industry
Syngenta partners with universities in numerous engaging ways.
University Partnerships (Video)
University scientists discuss their research partnership with Syngenta.
Spring 2023
Living on the Edge with Soybean Gall Midge
Growers in West Heartland states learn to scout for this new species.
Rally Against Pesticide Resistance
Experts advocate and educate to prevent resistance and preserve effective chemistry.
Resistance 101: A Crash Course in Resistance Management
It’s a problem that has plagued the ag industry for decades – nearly as long as pesticides have been around.
Winter 2022
Effective Defense Strategies Help Protect Crops Against Corn Rootworm
Collecting intel on corn rootworm is critical to outwit this sly and destructive pest.
Scouting for Pests, Progress and Profit
As pest complexes evolve and new technologies emerge, crop scouts adopt those that benefit farmers.
Fall 2022
Tell Your Sustainability Story
Data plays an important role in sustainability throughout agriculture’s supply chain.
The Future of Plant Breeding
Faster delivery of higher-performing seed varieties is possible with Syngenta Seeds HI-Edit procesFaster delivery of higher-performing seed varieties is possible with Syngenta Seeds HI-Edit process.
Brent Delzer’s Research in Corn Breeding Helped Create HI-Edit
Delzer’s research was foundational to the invention of this genome-editing technique.
Science Supports Sustainability
Syngenta is committed to accelerating innovation for farmers and nature while improving productivity.
Summer 2022
New App Helps Growers Plot Path to Sustainability
This one-of-a-kind tool helps farmers along their journey to improve sustainable operations.
Grow More Experience Sites Go Virtual
Growers now have access to virtual tours that highlight the latest trials, practices and crop management insights.
Weigh the Evidence When Assessing Scientific Claims
Experts share advice on drinking from the information firehouse available to growers.
Spring 2022
The Macro Impact of Microorganisms
Plant viruses require a global effort to minimize their impacts on crop productivity and grower profitability.
Tapping the Wild Side of Wheat
Gene science and predictive breeding accelerate improvements in wheat varieties.
Winter 2021
Testing New Farm Technologies
Project Bin Buster tries out new technologies to help growers make data-based in-season decisions.
Joining Forces Creates Improved Crop Protection for Corn
An agronomic program that leverages traits, insecticides and fungicides creates a profitable synergy in corn production.
Fall 2020
7 Tips to Jump-Start Your Yield Potential
Set your sights on high yields with the decisions made during planning and planting.
In the Pipeline: Innovative Seed Treatment With New Mode of Action Is Coming Soon
A new technology from Syngenta will offer an innovative mode of action to protect against Pythium and Phytophthora.
Biological Pest Control Shows Great Promise
Five companies are bringing new sustainable pest control technologies to market to help satisfy consumer preferences.
Researchers Offer Weed Management Advice for 2021
University agricultural experts from across the U.S. suggest solutions for the toughest weed management challenges farmers face.
Summer 2020
The Future of Corn Is Data-Driven
Syngenta has enhanced its approach to delivering advancements in corn genetics and traits in the face of farmers’ evolving needs.
2020 Syngenta Crop Challenge in Analytics Winner
A team from Iowa State University has been selected as the winner of the 2020 Syngenta Crop Challenge in Analytics.
Underwater Discovery Leads to Greater Feed Efficiency
Sourced from the ocean’s thermal vents, Enogen technology is a genetically modified biotech output trait that converts starch to sugar more efficiently.
Spring 2020
Top 10 Tips for Managing Continuous Corn
With a well-thought-out management plan, continuous corn can pay dividends.
Corn on Corn Requires Careful Nitrogen Management
Growers should feed their crops with nitrogen at key points during the season.
Doing More With Less Using Emerging Ag Technologies
New technologies help growers increase yields in difficult environments while preserving natural resources.
Winter 2020
Accelerating Corn Trait Innovation
New corn breeding facility helps Syngenta deliver improved traits faster.
Trait Introgression Helps Bring New Corn Technologies to Market Faster
In developing corn hybrids, Syngenta uses trait introgression to incorporate a desired trait into existing elite germplasm.
Fall 2019
Stop SDS in Its Tracks
Saltro seed treatment is an important new tool to help protect soybeans from the devastating effects of sudden death syndrome.
Seed Treatment Offers SDS Protection Without Stressing Soybean Plants
Saltro fungicide seed treatment provides superior SDS protection without plant stress.
Summer 2019
Scientists Use Innovation to Accelerate Seed Technologies
Syngenta researchers use data analytics and genome editing to make important advances in the company’s seeds portfolio.
Winners of the 2019 Syngenta Crop Challenge in Analytics Announced
The fourth annual competition showcased analytical models to assess a corn plant’s ability to handle heat and drought.
Robots Make Research More Efficient
Syngenta uses robotics to speed up time-consuming tests, aiding in the development of new products.
Spring 2019
Grow More Experience Sites Serve as Outdoor Classrooms
The demonstration sites are living, local laboratories, filled with a wide variety of crops, technical experts and product trials.
Agronomy in Action Sites Highlight Seed Performance
The demonstration sites showcase Golden Harvest soybean and corn seed options.
Stewardship Strategies Help Manage Resistance
As herbicide resistance spreads, Syngenta offers timely advice and new solutions to help keep tried-and-true tools viable.
AgriClime Creates Confidence to Invest in a Better Crop
Participants can receive up to 30 percent cash back on qualifying Syngenta products, if certain weather thresholds are not met during the offer period.
Winter 2019
Syngenta Is Committed to Developing High-Quality Wheat Varieties
The AgriPro brand wheat breeding program is helping growers and resellers meet the overall market demands for this crop.
AgriPro Delivers Wheat Varieties Tailored to Local Conditions
As a result of a rigorous and localized research process, the AgriPro brand wheat portfolio enjoys the No. 1 position in the U.S. wheat seed market.
Syngenta Spurs Innovation by Supporting Ag Startups
By nurturing ag startups, Syngenta Ventures is helping to foster improved agronomic practices in the coming decade.
Fall 2018
The Syngenta Seedcare Institute Focuses on Quality and Support
This state-of-the-art facility drives value for customers by focusing on products, application and service.
The Right Seed Treatment Can Greatly Impact Crop Productivity
To maximize yield potential, it’s more important than ever for growers to know what’s in the seed treatments that protect their seeds.
Summer 2018
Syngenta Seed Program Weathers Storm in Puerto Rico
Not even Hurricane Maria could stop the Syngenta Seeds R&D engine.
Targeting Yield and Quality
CRISPR-Cas has the potential to make the seed breeding process more efficient, less time consuming and potentially subject to less regulation.
The Future of Wheat Hybrids
Hybrid wheat is expected to offer higher yield potential and more efficient use of resources.
NK Seeds Accelerates Innovation
Developed with cutting-edge technology and using award-winning data analytics, NK corn and soybeans are on the forefront of innovation.
Golden Harvest Strengthens Its Roots
Golden Harvest continues to deliver leading genetics, agronomy insights and service to farmers across the Corn Belt.
Syngenta Helps Bees in Puerto Rico in Aftermath of Storm
For the pollinators that had lost their food and forage sources, help came in the form of pollen-replacing protein patties and beehives.
Spring 2018
Grow More Experience Sites Highlight Effective Production Solutions
Demonstrations and trials combine the latest technologies with local agronomic expertise to help customers improve farm management.
Winter 2018
An Integrated Strategy Helps Counter Weed Resistance
The right mix of old and new technologies is key to combatting the development of weed resistance and preserving the tools growers need.
Resistance Fighter Promotes Sustained Herbicide Performance
Since the 1990s, the Resistance Fighter program has been raising awareness of the weed resistance issue and leading the way in fighting measure to combat it.
Force Insecticide Reformulated
Based on growers’ feedback, an improvement to Force liquid insecticide will provide corn rootworm control with added convenience.
Fall 2017
Watermelon Breeder Sees Huge Opportunities
A Syngenta watermelon breeder reflects on past accomplishments and looks forward to further innovations.
Solutions for Sustainability Infographic
Syngenta Sustainable Solutions works directly with growers and food companies to help them share their stories of sustainable farming.
Watermelon Breeding Program Transforms the Market
A dedicated team at Syngenta understands the needs of the watermelon market and delivers winner after delicious winner.
New Research Outlet Takes Unconventional Approach to Ag Challenges
Syngenta establishes a unique research and development outlet to help generate data-driven ag solutions.
Summer 2017
Crop Protection Pipeline Will Deliver Many Innovations
Syngenta researchers are developing targeted, blockbuster technologies for the crop protection pipeline.
New Technology Will Merge Farm-Management Data
A collaborative project promises to remove the language barrier among different data systems on farms.
The Evolution of Agrisure Trait Technology
The Agrisure traits portfolio is the result of a strong commitment by Syngenta to its research and development program.
Double-Haploid Induction Speeds Up Plant-Breeding Process
Syngenta scientists have identified the genetic source of haploid induction, a process that greatly speeds up plant breeding.
Syngenta Research Is the Engine of Innovation
Scientific advances are providing powerful new technologies to help in the quest to feed the world’s growing population.
Data Analytics Can Help Boost Genetic Gain
Syngenta is using data analytics techniques and expertise from other industries to achieve higher yields faster.
The Future of Seed Trait Technology Takes Shape
Innovative research and new technologies are expanding the Agrisure portfolio, providing potent solutions to many production challenges.
Spring 2017
A Look Ahead: Agriculture in 2050
What will agriculture look like at the century’s midpoint? Based on current trends, experts are anticipating some major changes for the ag sector.
Innovation on Display at Syngenta Wheat Summit
The 2017 Syngenta Wheat Summit showcased solutions that are transforming this important cereals crop.
Syngenta Demonstration Sites Showcase Products, Best Practices
Grow More Experience sites offer expert agronomic knowledge tailored to local growing conditions.
Trending 2050: The Future of Farming
Based on current trends, experts predict dramatic changes in agriculture by 2050.
Grow More Experience Site Focuses on Local Solutions
Syngenta demonstration site in Pana, Illinois, helps retailers and growers make informed management decisions.