Explore the Syngenta Biodiversity Journey

Biodiversity is essential for effective crop production and the health of our natural resources.
Explore the Syngenta Biodiversity Journey
A tiger swallowtail butterfly lands on a coneflower growing in the pollinator garden at the Syngenta corporate location in Greensboro, North Carolina. Operation Pollinator helps restore pollinators in agricultural, golf course and other landscapes by creating essential habitats.
Ensuring a sustainable food supply requires each of us to play a role in preserving our land and protecting pollinators. Syngenta understands the importance of the interconnectedness of agriculture and nature and is committed to helping biodiversity thrive.

Taking strides toward sustainable agriculture helps promote an industry that can successfully feed today’s consumers while safeguarding pollinators and conserving the environment for generations to come. The Good Growth Plan highlights our ongoing commitments and initiatives to support farmers and the environment through 2025. And, with our Operation Pollinator program, we are focused on creating essential habitats to restore pollinators on agricultural land, on golf courses and within other landscapes.

We invite you to explore our new, interactive biodiversity infographic and resources by visiting www.Syngenta-US.com/Biodiversity. Together, we can help biodiversity flourish and bring plant potential to life.

#Biodiversity is essential for effective #crop production, the health of our natural resources and a #sustainable food supply. Learn about @SyngentaUS's efforts.

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