Syngenta Offers New Weed-Management Video Series
As part of the Resistance Fighter program, the company has recently developed a new agronomic resource—the “How It’s Done” video series.

In the battle against resistant weeds, Syngenta continues to educate growers and retailers about the most effective ways to manage resistant weeds in their fields through the Resistance Fighter® program. As part of this program, the company recently developed a new agronomic resource—the “How It’s Done” video series.
“Winning the battle against resistant weeds requires the right strategies and information,” Wuerffel says. “That’s what these videos are all about.”
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In the videos, Joe Wuerffel, Ph.D., a research and development scientist in the weed-management group at the Syngenta Vero Beach Research Center in Florida, advises viewers on how to quickly identify and manage some of today’s toughest resistant weeds in corn and soybeans, including waterhemp, Palmer amaranth, giant ragweed and kochia. The videos also answer common questions about herbicide application timing and address other agronomic topics.“Winning the battle against resistant weeds requires the right strategies and information. That’s what these videos are all about.”
“Winning the battle against resistant weeds requires the right strategies and information,” Wuerffel says. “That’s what these videos are all about.”
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