Local Learning at Grow More Experience Sites
Grow More Experience sites provide agronomic practices that can help improve crop productivity and management practices.

.@SyngentaUS Grow More Experience sites provide #agronomic practices that can help improve crop productivity and management practices.
Since 2013, the Syngenta Grow More™ Experience sites have showcased crop protection and seed technologies, offering hands-on learning and relationship-building opportunities. Tailored to local growing environments, these sites engage attendees and showcase agronomic practices and technologies that can help improve crop productivity and potential return on investment.
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This approach continues in 2020 at sites across the country. At each site, a team of agronomic experts create immersive learning experiences to help provide local management advice and recommendations. Visitors get the chance to step into the field to touch, see, dig and gain a deeper understanding of agronomics and Syngenta solutions that can help maximize yield potential.
For more information about the sites and to sign up for twice-monthly agronomic email updates pertinent to your area, visit the Know More Grow More blog.