Acuron Corn Herbicide Helps Growers Boost Yields
When used in a preemergence application, Acuron corn herbicide helps growers discover the extra bushels no other herbicide can.

With so many unknowns each season, why add more risk by applying bargain #corn herbicides? #spray20 #toughweeds
Are cheap, bargain-priced herbicides really a good value? The answer is usually no. When you consider the return on investment (ROI) cost of lower yields and the potential for increased weed pressure in future seasons, the losses can quickly add up.
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“We had a customer who decided he would go with, what I call, second-tier herbicides and a lot of generics for his preemerge application on his corn,” says Colten Katz, a partner at Turon Mill & Elevator, Inc., in Turon, Kansas. “He had a complete and total failure on his preemerge, and he ended up spending over $100 an acre on just his herbicide program.”
When it comes to selecting a herbicide program, look at the big picture; choosing a quality herbicide with residual control and multiple effective sites of action will save weed-management headaches down the road, and the right herbicide program can even generate more revenue with increased yield potential.““We had a customer who decided he would go with, what I call, second-tier herbicides and a lot of generics for his preemerge application on his corn. He had a complete and total failure on his preemerge, and he ended up spending over $100 an acre on just his herbicide program.”
Katz says his customer switched to Acuron® corn herbicide in 2019 and saw a dramatic difference in results versus 2018.
“We applied a preemergence pass and a single post-emergence pass, and he had right around $50 or less an acre into his herbicide program. In 2018, he yielded 180 to 185 bushels per acre, and under the same conditions in 2019, he saw 225 to 230 bushels per acre.”
Clean, Weed-Free Fields Equal More Bushels And More Money
Acuron controls tough, yield-robbing weeds other products miss. Less weed competition translates into more nutrients, sunlight and water for the growing corn crop, which leads to more bushels and extra revenue potential. In fact, replicated Syngenta and university trials comparing Acuron with Corvus®, Resicore®, SureStart® II and Verdict® applied preemergence and at full label rates show a yield advantage of 5-15 bushels per acre.

What is it about Acuron that enables it to outperform and outyield all other corn herbicides? It’s the powerful combination of highly effective, broad-spectrum weed control plus proven crop safety.
Acuron contains four active ingredients, including the unique component bicyclopyrone, and three effective sites of action, which enable it to protect corn from tough, yield-robbing weeds better than any other herbicide.
More than 1,000 trials show bicyclopyrone helps Acuron deliver:
- Powerful control of more grass and broadleaf weeds, including cocklebur, common ragweed, giant ragweed, kochia, marestail, morningglory, Palmer amaranth, waterhemp and Russian thistle
- Greater consistency across various weed spectrums, weather conditions and soil types, meaning Acuron will deliver a higher level of weed control more often, resulting in fewer weed escapes and fewer necessary resprays
- Built-in burndown control of weeds like dandelion, foxtail, marestail and ragweed
- Longest-lasting residual control, which helps fully protect yield potential and minimize the weed seed bank for next year’s crop
Acuron also provides excellent pre- and post-emergence crop safety across a wide range of soil types, weather conditions and plant genetics.
- Its crop safety enables application flexibility from 28 days preplant, including burndown, up to 12-inch corn.
- Even in cool, wet conditions, Acuron is unlikely to injure corn when used according to the label.
- Acuron is a dependable, easy-to-use formulation that contains a proven crop safener — benoxacor — and the encapsulated S-metolachlor isomer for improved crop safety.
Calculate the increased revenue potential Acuron provides, or talk to a local Syngenta representative or retailer for more information.