Now available, Acuron Flexi offers flexibility to growers in geographies where weeds are becoming harder to manage.
By Matt Lail / Photography by Mary Egans (top) and Syngenta
Acuron® Flexi corn herbicide is now available for use during the 2016 season. As its name implies, Acuron Flexi offers flexibility to growers in various geographies where weed resistance is spreading and weeds are becoming increasingly difficult to manage.
“With glyphosate weed resistance expanding, growers need a robust product that they can use across different geographies and soil types,” says Gordon Vail, Ph.D., technical product lead at Syngenta. “Acuron Flexi delivers the flexibility growers need by allowing application from 28 days pre-plant up to 30-inch corn.”
Where registered, growers can use Acuron Flexi without geographic or soil-type restrictions and can mix it with atrazine (AAtrex® brands) or glyphosate herbicides, depending on farming practices.
Acuron Flexi features three active ingredients, including bicyclopyrone, and two modes of action to deliver a multitargeted approach to control tough weeds. Bicyclopyrone provides burndown plus residual, delivering improved, more consistent control of large-seeded broadleaf weeds in corn.
State registrations for Acuron Flexi are still pending.
Acuron Flexi herbicide applied pre-emergent controls weeds like Palmer amaranth better than Corvus herbicide in a 2015 field trial near Gilbert, Iowa.