Axial Bold Grass Herbicide Registered for Cereals
Axial Bold delivers improved consistency and broad-spectrum control of top grass weeds.

Axial Bold, a new cereals herbicide from @SyngentaUS, delivers improved consistency and broad-spectrum control of top grass weeds.
Syngenta has received registration of Axial® Bold grass herbicide from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for use in the 2019 growing season, giving wheat and barley growers a new option for superior grass control.
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“Axial Bold was built on the foundation of Axial brands, the industry standard for grass control in cereals,” says Brent Lackey, herbicide product lead at Syngenta. “When used in combination with Talinor® herbicide, Axial Bold will give growers the complete package for cross-spectrum grass and broadleaf weed control in their cereals crop.”
Trials show that with its two active ingredients—pinoxaden and fenoxaprop—Axial Bold delivers improved consistency and broad-spectrum control of top grass weeds, including wild oat, yellow foxtail, Italian ryegrass, green foxtail and barnyardgrass.“When used in combination with Talinor herbicide, Axial Bold will give growers the complete package for cross-spectrum grass and broadleaf weed control in their cereals crop.”