Avicta Complete Corn with Vibrance protects against nematodes and early-season insects and diseases.
By Mary Withers / Photo by Bob Ervin
All new Syngenta corn seed produced for 2015 will be treated with Avicta® Complete Corn with Vibrance® nematicide/insecticide/fungicide
seed treatment, a combination of separately registered products. The
seed treatment protects against nematodes as well as early-season
insects and diseases that can attack when plants are most vulnerable. To
discover the benefits of Avicta Complete Corn with Vibrance over
Poncho®/Votivo® seed treatment from Bayer CropScience, watch “Put the Best on Your Seed.” This video demonstrates the key advantages of Avicta Complete Corn with Vibrance protection, including its superior
performance, activity, consistency and timing.
READ NEXT The Path to Better Seeds
Syngenta creates better seeds through a combination of traditional and cutting-edge technology, with extensive quality-control measures.