Epivio Zn Offers Growers Excellent Nutrition in Rice
To help prevent zinc deficiency, Epivio Zn micronutrient seed treatment is now available for use
in rice.
in rice.

Zinc deficiency in rice can cost growers up to 40 percent of their yields, due to reduced elongation, resetting and “little leaf,” a disorder that dwarfs leaves and often causes chlorosis, necrotic spots or bronzing. To help prevent this deficiency, Epivio® Zn micronutrient seed treatment is now available for use in rice.
Epivio Zn is an EDTA seed-applied micronutrient that is compatible with a number of seed treatments, including CruiserMaxx® Rice and CruiserMaxx® Rice + Vibrance®. Additionally, Epivio Zn features a shelf life of more than three years under correct storage conditions; improved ease of application with less gumming up of equipment, compared with other zinc products on the market; and ready absorption by rice plants.
Epivio Zn micronutrient #seed treatment is now available to help prevent zinc deficiency in rice.
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Epivio Zn is an EDTA seed-applied micronutrient that is compatible with a number of seed treatments, including CruiserMaxx® Rice and CruiserMaxx® Rice + Vibrance®. Additionally, Epivio Zn features a shelf life of more than three years under correct storage conditions; improved ease of application with less gumming up of equipment, compared with other zinc products on the market; and ready absorption by rice plants.