Equipment Rebates for Enogen Growers
Chief Agri/Industrial Division will offer Enogen corn growers rebates on stiffened grain bins and other equipment.

Growers have long used Chief Agri/Industrial Division’s stiffened bins
as an integral component of commercial grain-management systems. Now,
through an agreement with Syngenta, Chief Agri/Industrial Division will
provide Enogen corn growers rebates on those grain bins and other
“We’re excited about this opportunity,” says Roger Townsend, president of Chief Agri/Industrial Division. “We look forward to providing Enogen growers with the right system to help them dry and store Enogen corn before delivering their grain to ethanol plants.”
Enogen growers are required to follow specific yet simple stewardship guidelines to receive a 40-cent-per-bushel (on average) premium. These guidelines include planting non-Enogen border rows around an Enogen cornfield, cleaning out planters and combines, and dedicating separate bin space for all Enogen grain.
“We’re excited about this opportunity,” says Roger Townsend, president of Chief Agri/Industrial Division. “We look forward to providing Enogen growers with the right system to help them dry and store Enogen corn before delivering their grain to ethanol plants.”
Enogen growers are required to follow specific yet simple stewardship guidelines to receive a 40-cent-per-bushel (on average) premium. These guidelines include planting non-Enogen border rows around an Enogen cornfield, cleaning out planters and combines, and dedicating separate bin space for all Enogen grain.