The development of Vibrance seed-applied fungicide shows the strength of a worldwide product development network.
By Darcy Maulsby
To help growers produce more with less, Syngenta is tapping the power of
its global network to accelerate product development and offer
innovative solutions that protect plant health and the environment. Take
Vibrance® seed-applied fungicide, for example.
"Vibrance improves root health to provide consistent yields, even under
stress conditions," says Palle Pedersen, Ph.D., Syngenta Seedcare technology manager. "Syngenta researchers developed this unique seed
treatment just for the Seedcare business in the company's discovery labs
in Stein, Switzerland, and it was tested in the U.S. and South America
before it first received regulatory approval in 2011 in Argentina. Since
then, it's been tested in many other regions around the world, including
additional testing in the U.S."
Vibrance seed treatment is a proprietary fungicide based on the new
active ingredient sedaxane. With a new mode of action and the
distinctive RootingPower capabilities, Vibrance defends roots against a
wide range of diseases, particularly offering superior Rhizoctonia control. The seed treatment also provides long-lasting systemic
protection of the entire plant root system through critical early-season
development stages of the crop and under a broad spectrum of
environmental conditions. This leads to more efficient water and
nutrient uptake, protects the plant's genetic yield potential, and
offers a proactive approach to resistance management.
"Growers' adoption rate of Vibrance has been phenomenal, especially
since it first became available in the U.S. in 2012," says Pedersen, who
notes that the treatment is available on a growing list of crops, such
as cereals, soybeans, corn, canola, sorghum and dry beans. "Vibrance
reflects years of research through the Syngenta global network and is
just one of the many products we are developing to meet the needs of
growers throughout the world."