Golden Harvest Performs in Fields Across the Midwest
Although 2019 was a challenging growing season, Golden Harvest delivered genetics, agronomy, service and performance to farmers.

.@GldnHarvest varieties outshone the competition with advanced #genetics and the latest traits and #technologies
Although 2019 was a challenging growing season across the Midwest, Golden Harvest delivered genetics, agronomy and service to farmers and, once again, performed in the field, based on 2019 trials.*
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Golden Harvest® hybrids outperformed the competition with proprietary germplasm and elite genetics bred and tested locally. For example, in the upper Midwest, Golden Harvest corn G02K39-5122 E-Z Refuge® brand outyielded Pioneer® products by 10.4 bu/A in 84 comparisons.
Golden Harvest varieties also outshone the competition with advanced genetics and the latest traits and technologies to help farmers maximize their yield potential. For example, in eastern Iowa and northern Illinois, Golden Harvest soybean GH2818E3 brand outyielded Asgrow® products by 6.0 bu/A in 55 comparisons.
For local yield results, visit
*Syngenta and independent trials, 2019