Syngenta Adds Orondis Fungicide to Portfolio
The latest fungicide from Syngenta offers outstanding control of soil and foliar diseases.

Orondis® fungicide has received registration from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and is expected to be available for the 2016 season, pending state registrations.
Orondis contains the active ingredient oxathiapiprolin and offers a new mode of action for outstanding control of economically important soil and foliar diseases caused by oomycete fungi in vegetables, potatoes and tobacco. Its mode of action bears no cross resistance to other products. Orondis is also highly effective at lower active ingredient use rates than competitive fungicides.
“Orondis is an excellent foundation fungicide and offers growers a new tool in their disease control programs,” says Bernd Druebbisch, fungicide product lead at Syngenta. “Its new mode of action complements and enhances our diverse fungicide portfolio.”
Orondis will be marketed as three multi-packs of separately registered products to customers:
Premix products will be developed combining these products and, when approved by the EPA and states, will be sold under the following brand names: Orondis® Ridomil Gold® SL (Orondis and Ridomil Gold); Orondis® Opti fungicide (Orondis and Bravo); and Orondis® Ultra fungicide (Orondis and Revus).
“In extensive trials, Orondis has shown outstanding efficacy at significantly lower active ingredient rates, compared with other fungicides,” says Paul Kuhn, Ph.D., technical product lead at Syngenta. “It has demonstrated an ability to greatly reduce disease severity in treated fields and provide measurable improvements in yield.”
Orondis contains the active ingredient oxathiapiprolin and offers a new mode of action for outstanding control of economically important soil and foliar diseases caused by oomycete fungi in vegetables, potatoes and tobacco. Its mode of action bears no cross resistance to other products. Orondis is also highly effective at lower active ingredient use rates than competitive fungicides.
“Orondis is an excellent foundation fungicide and offers growers a new tool in their disease control programs,” says Bernd Druebbisch, fungicide product lead at Syngenta. “Its new mode of action complements and enhances our diverse fungicide portfolio.”
Orondis will be marketed as three multi-packs of separately registered products to customers:
- Orondis and Ridomil Gold® fungicide for control of soil-borne oomycete diseases in vegetables and tobacco
- Orondis and Bravo® fungicide for control of downy mildew and late blight in potatoes and vegetables
- Orondis and Revus® fungicide for control of downy mildew and late blight in leafy vegetables (lettuce and spinach), potatoes, tobacco and other vegetables
Premix products will be developed combining these products and, when approved by the EPA and states, will be sold under the following brand names: Orondis® Ridomil Gold® SL (Orondis and Ridomil Gold); Orondis® Opti fungicide (Orondis and Bravo); and Orondis® Ultra fungicide (Orondis and Revus).
“In extensive trials, Orondis has shown outstanding efficacy at significantly lower active ingredient rates, compared with other fungicides,” says Paul Kuhn, Ph.D., technical product lead at Syngenta. “It has demonstrated an ability to greatly reduce disease severity in treated fields and provide measurable improvements in yield.”