Plenaris Seed Treatment Fungicide Added to CruiserMaxx Sunflowers
Additional fungicide ingredient provides excellent protection against downy mildew in sunflowers.

Plenaris® seed treatment fungicide is the latest addition to CruiserMaxx® Sunflowers, a combination of separately registered products. CruiserMaxx Sunflowers with Plenaris provides multiple modes of action, delivering the best-performing sustainable downy mildew management program in the industry. It also provides the broadest disease and insect protection available to maximize sunflower yields.
Plenaris provides excellent protection against all downy mildew races and outstanding activity on susceptible and resistant sunflower varieties. For resistance management and additional control, combine Plenaris with Bion® or Dynasty® fungicide seed treatments.
Plenaris provides excellent protection against all downy mildew races and outstanding activity on susceptible and resistant sunflower varieties. For resistance management and additional control, combine Plenaris with Bion® or Dynasty® fungicide seed treatments.