Vibrance Trio Registered in Soybeans

This premix is recommended for soybean growers whose main early-season concerns are strong stands and disease protection.

Grower Brad Weger checks out the roots of a soybean plant he uprooted on his farm in Robinson, Illinois.
Grower Brad Weger checks out the roots of a soybean plant he uprooted on his farm in Robinson, Illinois.
Syngenta has received registration of Vibrance® Trio seed treatment from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
A soybean premix from @SyngentaUS addresses growers’ early-season concerns.

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This premix of three fungicide active ingredients—mefenoxam, fludioxonil and sedaxane, all developed by Syngenta specifically for its Seedcare portfolio—is recommended for soybean growers whose main early-season concerns are strong stands and enhanced disease protection.

“The higher rate of mefenoxam in Vibrance Trio offers the highest level of Phytophthora and Pythium protection available,” says Steve Gomme, Seedcare product lead at Syngenta. “This gives growers confidence that when they plant early in unpredictable conditions, they can establish stronger soybean stands and reduce the risk of replanting.”

Regardless of planting conditions, Vibrance Trio helps provide protection from the following early-season soybean diseases:

  • Phytophthora
  • Rhizoctonia
  • Pythium
  • “The higher rate of mefenoxam in Vibrance Trio offers the highest level of Phytophthora and Pythium protection available.”

    Steve Gomme
  • Fusarium
  • Seedborne Phomopsis
  • Seedborne Sclerotinia
In addition to its activity on root-damaging diseases like Rhizoctonia, the sedaxane in Vibrance Trio offers RootingPower, which creates healthier, more robust roots to help produce better, more consistent yields. Stronger roots also enable soybeans to better withstand environmental stresses, such as excessive heat or limited rainfall.