Syngenta Offers Diverse Corn Hybrid Portfolio
Syngenta has a wide corn portfolio that gives growers the chance to plant numerous hybrids for risk mitigation.

Syngenta aims to provide corn growers with the right genetics and traits specific to their growing needs. A key component to this is a diverse hybrid portfolio.
“With Syngenta, growers have access to genetic diversification,” says Dwight Bostwick, Ph.D., head of North America corn breeding projects at Syngenta. ”We encourage growers to plant multiple hybrids for risk mitigation. Additionally, our broad portfolio provides some price variation to help growers keep seed costs manageable and maximize their return on investment, regardless of their management practices and yield target for each of their farms.”
Within each maturity range, Golden Harvest® and NK® Corn brands offer multiple hybrids recommended for broad environmental conditions. This means growers won’t end up “putting all of their eggs in one basket,” Bostwick says. By planting hybrids with varying genetic backgrounds and trait options, growers can protect themselves against unforeseeable environmental factors. It also allows growers to build personalized packages that meet their budgets.
“On one end of the spectrum, we have fully loaded hybrids with the newest traits and elite genetics,” Bostwick says. “While on the other end, we continue to offer high-performing hybrids that have proven performance over a number of years.”
In some cases, an older hybrid with fewer traits—yet one that has shown proven yield performance across multiple years—may reduce the price by as much as 20 percent to 30 percent, compared to the premium associated with a brand-new, fully traited elite hybrid.
Syngenta is unique in its broad offering of corn seed—from basic hybrids to moderately traited to fully loaded. By selecting hybrids from a spectrum of genetics and traits, growers can diversify their seed portfolio for a stronger return on investment.
“With Syngenta, growers have access to genetic diversification,” says Dwight Bostwick, Ph.D., head of North America corn breeding projects at Syngenta. ”We encourage growers to plant multiple hybrids for risk mitigation. Additionally, our broad portfolio provides some price variation to help growers keep seed costs manageable and maximize their return on investment, regardless of their management practices and yield target for each of their farms.”
Within each maturity range, Golden Harvest® and NK® Corn brands offer multiple hybrids recommended for broad environmental conditions. This means growers won’t end up “putting all of their eggs in one basket,” Bostwick says. By planting hybrids with varying genetic backgrounds and trait options, growers can protect themselves against unforeseeable environmental factors. It also allows growers to build personalized packages that meet their budgets.
“On one end of the spectrum, we have fully loaded hybrids with the newest traits and elite genetics,” Bostwick says. “While on the other end, we continue to offer high-performing hybrids that have proven performance over a number of years.”
In some cases, an older hybrid with fewer traits—yet one that has shown proven yield performance across multiple years—may reduce the price by as much as 20 percent to 30 percent, compared to the premium associated with a brand-new, fully traited elite hybrid.
Syngenta is unique in its broad offering of corn seed—from basic hybrids to moderately traited to fully loaded. By selecting hybrids from a spectrum of genetics and traits, growers can diversify their seed portfolio for a stronger return on investment.