Honoring Data Privacy
Syngenta is committed to privacy and has safeguards in place that put growers in control of their data.

“We have safeguards in place to help make sure growers know who has access to their data, where their data is going and how it is being used,” says Aaron Deardorff, head of marketing to settlement at Syngenta.
Since 2002, the Syngenta data privacy policy has protected and kept confidential any grower information the company obtains. All AgriEdge Excelsior grower data flows through an independent software provider. As governed by its contractual agreement with participating growers, Syngenta only has direct access to AgriEdge Excelsior grower data to pass along financial rewards related to its products used through the program. Growers have the opportunity to provide more detailed information to Syngenta or any third party, but only after they give written consent.
“For almost 15 years, growers have used AgriEdge Excelsior and the data it generates to help manage their farms more efficiently and profitably,” says Deardorff. “Nearly all of them choose to stay enrolled in the program, which indicates its value.”