Driving Profit Potential With Digital Solutions
Syngenta works every day to be your agronomic solutions innovator, digital confidant and sustainability partner.

“The New Agriculture is not a ‘way of life’ followed by [growers] in bib overalls — it is a highly integrated profession practiced by professionals who apply modern business techniques, scientific knowledge and mechanical innovations to their operations.”
— Earl Coke, The New Agriculture, 1963
Earl Coke couldn’t have said it better than he did in his speech to the Agricultural Research Institute in 1963. With the availability of technology — both digital and agronomic — Coke’s statements ring ever truer today. Technology enhances agriculture in numerous ways by increasing efficiency and productivity with digital tools. You can use a screwdriver to build a deck, but a drill is better, and a cordless drill is ideal. Growers can use a pencil and paper to document the thousands of records for their operations, but a farm management system is better, and a connected, data-driven farm management solution is the best.
We talk about some of those solutions in this issue of Thrive, where you’ll find articles highlighting the digital realm, from agronomics and productivity to environmental awareness. A common thread throughout is partnership. If the world of agriculture has taught us anything, it’s the fact that we can’t be successful alone. Syngenta works every day to be your agronomic solutions innovator, digital confidant and sustainability partner. The goal is to be an adviser worthy of your trust.
Thank you for your business and partnership as colleagues in this ever-evolving agricultural landscape.
— Earl Coke, The New Agriculture, 1963
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Earl Coke couldn’t have said it better than he did in his speech to the Agricultural Research Institute in 1963. With the availability of technology — both digital and agronomic — Coke’s statements ring ever truer today. Technology enhances agriculture in numerous ways by increasing efficiency and productivity with digital tools. You can use a screwdriver to build a deck, but a drill is better, and a cordless drill is ideal. Growers can use a pencil and paper to document the thousands of records for their operations, but a farm management system is better, and a connected, data-driven farm management solution is the best.
So why hasn’t digital technology been widely adopted? Why isn’t there a clearer solution to stewardship and sustainability? Our industry still has hurdles to clear, such as a lack of nationwide broadband access, connecting the puzzle pieces of multiple technology products in the marketplace, reducing or eliminating data entry, and moving from data insight to defined actions that improve our customers’ operations, just to name a few. That’s why the Syngenta Digital Ag Solutions team is committed to working through every one of these obstacles with our customers.Syngenta works every day to be your agronomic solutions innovator, digital confidant and sustainability partner. The goal is to be an adviser worthy of your trust.
We talk about some of those solutions in this issue of Thrive, where you’ll find articles highlighting the digital realm, from agronomics and productivity to environmental awareness. A common thread throughout is partnership. If the world of agriculture has taught us anything, it’s the fact that we can’t be successful alone. Syngenta works every day to be your agronomic solutions innovator, digital confidant and sustainability partner. The goal is to be an adviser worthy of your trust.
Thank you for your business and partnership as colleagues in this ever-evolving agricultural landscape.