Grow More From Less
As the world's population continues to expand exponentially, growing more from less has never been more important. According to the United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organization, we have 200,000 more people to feed every single day. The organization also reports that producing more food will largely depend on increasing crop yields, not farming more land.

1Statistics from Field to Market®: The Alliance for Sustainable Agriculture (2012 v2). Environmental and Socioeconomic Indicators for Measuring Outcomes of On-Farm Agricultural Production in the United States; Summary Report: Second Report (Version 2), December 2012 cover the years 1980 through 2011.
2"Top 10 Conservation Tillage Benefits." Conservation Technology Information Center, 2014.
3Data is based on 4,075 Syngenta on-farm strip trials, 2010–2013. Syngenta defines a yield environment of 50–99 bu/A as severe and fewer than 50 bu/A as extreme.
42011: Data analyzed from 19 sites in eastern Colorado, Nebraska and western Kansas. 2013: Data analyzed from five sites in eastern Colorado, Nebraska and western Kansas.
5Savings calculated based on Enogen trial and commercial results at Midwest ethanol plants.
6Bruce E. Hibbard, Daniel L. Frank, Ryan Kurtz, Eric Boudreau, Mark R. Ellersieck and J. Frederick Odhiambo, "Mortality Impact of Bt Transgenic Maize Roots Expressing eCry3.1Ab, mCry3A, and eCry3.1Ab Plus mCry3A on Western Corn Rootworm Larvae in the Field," Journal of Economic Entomology. 2011, 104 (5): 1584–1591.