A New Era of Innovation in Agriculture
An unprecedented wave of innovation is giving Syngenta the capability to meet the 21st century needs of growers and resellers.

As rapid, simultaneous advancement takes place in our crop protection, digital ag and seeds businesses, Syngenta proudly joins our reseller partners in ushering in a new era of agricultural innovation. No time in history rivals our current ability to develop solutions and deliver them to growers faster, more cost effectively and with less impact on our environment.
A recent $400 million commitment—allocated incrementally over the next five years—is fueling our momentum in seeds. Added to the more than $1.3 billion Syngenta already invests annually in research and development, this extra seeds funding will enable us to better equip U.S. growers with the tools and services they need to optimize their productivity and potential return on investment. But Syngenta understands that growers can’t wait for tomorrow to start overcoming the challenges they’re facing today, especially since the world adds 200,000 more mouths to feed every day.
On the Thrive website, we highlight some of the transformative technologies that are helping us address this urgency and unlock the full potential of plants.
A rapid wave of innovation is giving @SyngentaUS the capability to meet the 21st century needs of growers and resellers.
In one article , Syngenta experts explain how data analytics and mathematical modeling not only help us breed a greater quantity of elite plant genetics, but also give farmers the information they need to choose the exact seed that will perform best in their fields. Another article illustrates how breeding advancements, such as CRISPR-Cas genome editing, enable us to bring higher-yielding, better-quality hybrids and varieties to farms at an unprecedented pace.
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Thrive also tells the stories of two specific seed technologies that are delivering greater opportunity and value to the growers who use them. Enogen® Feed hybrids offer dairy and beef producers a more efficient nutrition source for their cattle, and the Attribute® II trait stack gives field corn growers a sustainable way to incorporate sweet corn acres into their existing operations.
As plans for the 2019 planting season start taking shape, Syngenta is not just investing in technologies.
We’re also investing in people by hiring more agronomists, breeders and other local experts who can help our Golden Harvest® Seed Advisors and NK® seed retailers achieve their goals. After all, behind every great innovation we bring to market stands a great team, whose hard work, collaboration and diverse talents are making the dawn of a new era possible.“No time in history rivals our current ability to develop solutions and deliver them to growers faster, more cost effectively and with less impact on our environment.”