A Road Well-Planned Boosts Productivity
While adoption of new technologies is expected to quicken, collaborative relationships on the farm will continue to define agriculture.

At Syngenta, we offer resellers resources that can help enhance their recommendations to growers. Our scientists are delivering new seed, seed-treatment and crop-protection innovations to the market at an unprecedented pace. But we realize these solutions are not one-size-fits-all, and agriculture is too diverse to paint every acre and grower the same.
That’s where the strengths of our field force and AgriEdge Excelsior®—our multi-crop, whole-farm management program—come into play. With the goal of maximizing returns on every field, this program facilitates collaboration between resellers’ teams and ours. Together, we’re able to benefit the grower by creating integrated crop plans that combine the Syngenta portfolio with a reseller’s products and services. The program’s Land.db® farm management software also helps ease the grower’s pain points of farming from the desk by connecting digital platforms and automating data entry, while safeguarding privacy every step of the way. Additionally, Land.db helps growers generate reports that buyers, lenders, auditors and regulators increasingly require.
“Our scientists are delivering new seed, seed-treatment and crop-protection innovations to the market at an unprecedented pace.”
This website features an article in which retailers from different regions across the country explain why AgriEdge Excelsior has become an integral part of their offer. From simplifying record keeping to supporting their precision agriculture technologies, the program is helping these retailers solve complex business and farm-management challenges.
The Thrive website also features a progress report on The Good Growth Plan—our strategy for sustainably feeding 9 billion people by 2050—and looks ahead to 2017 and beyond to preview the role new genetics,
How a road well-planned can lead to a successful harvest.
chemistries and unmanned aircraft systems will play in agriculture.
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While adoption of technologies is expected to accelerate, collaborative relationships on the farm will continue to define our industry. We recognize that resellers are at the heart of these relationships. With the right programs, products and people in place, Syngenta stands ready to join their conversations with growers and help them chart the best course forward.