Sample Soil for SCN
Managing soybean cyst nematodes effectively requires a proactive strategy.

Growers who intend to plant soybeans next spring in fields where they are currently growing corn or soybeans should consider making plans now to sample their soil in the fall when soybean cyst nematodes (SCN) will be at their peak.
“Because every major soybean-producing state has SCN, growers need to adopt a proactive SCN management strategy, and that begins with soil sampling immediately following harvest to determine the level of SCN infestation,” says Dale Ireland, Ph.D., technical product lead at Syngenta. “SCN is the No.1 pest impacting U.S. soybeans. Once established within a field, SCN can never be entirely eradicated.”
Rotating soybeans to a nonhost crop is the most effective way to manage SCN, but Ireland understands this practice is not an option for every grower. “When rotating a cornfield to soybeans, a grower should sample for SCN following fall corn tillage,” he says. “Although planting soybeans in consecutive years is not recommended, for growers who do, it’s best to sample within the existing soybean row for SCN.”
Another important tool growers can employ to proactively manage SCN is to select soybean varieties containing a source of genetic resistance other than PI8878. Because growers have planted resistant varieties containing PI8878 for more than 20 years, SCN populations have adapted to it over time, although Ireland notes even a less effective tool is better than planting a susceptible variety.
Finally, growers can further fortify their SCN management strategy with Clariva® Complete Beans seed treatment, a combination of separately registered products. Clariva Complete Beans complements SCN-resistant varieties and improves future yield potential by offering season-long SCN protection and reducing SCN reproduction and selection pressure.
“Because every major soybean-producing state has SCN, growers need to adopt a proactive SCN management strategy, and that begins with soil sampling immediately following harvest to determine the level of SCN infestation,” says Dale Ireland, Ph.D., technical product lead at Syngenta. “SCN is the No.1 pest impacting U.S. soybeans. Once established within a field, SCN can never be entirely eradicated.”
Rotating soybeans to a nonhost crop is the most effective way to manage SCN, but Ireland understands this practice is not an option for every grower. “When rotating a cornfield to soybeans, a grower should sample for SCN following fall corn tillage,” he says. “Although planting soybeans in consecutive years is not recommended, for growers who do, it’s best to sample within the existing soybean row for SCN.”
Another important tool growers can employ to proactively manage SCN is to select soybean varieties containing a source of genetic resistance other than PI8878. Because growers have planted resistant varieties containing PI8878 for more than 20 years, SCN populations have adapted to it over time, although Ireland notes even a less effective tool is better than planting a susceptible variety.
Finally, growers can further fortify their SCN management strategy with Clariva® Complete Beans seed treatment, a combination of separately registered products. Clariva Complete Beans complements SCN-resistant varieties and improves future yield potential by offering season-long SCN protection and reducing SCN reproduction and selection pressure.