Syngenta researchers have developed Solatenol-based fungicides, which offer cutting-edge solutions for today’s toughest diseases.
A grower applies fungicide on mid-growth peanuts in Alabama to control diseases.
By Kate Rogers / Photo by Ag Stock
Throughout history, innovators have challenged the status quo. Alexander
Graham Bell didn’t settle for a telegram, Thomas Edison envisioned a
better light source, and the Wright brothers refused to stay on the
ground. The same can be said of Syngenta plant pathologists. They realize good tools to control disease currently exist, but their
aspiration to create something better is resulting in a pipeline filled
with promising new fungicides.
Standout Solution
One of the technologies generating the most excitement is Solatenol®
fungicide. Its roots date back to the Asian soybean rust epidemic in
Brazil earlier this century. Faced with a pathogen that had caused an
estimated $20 billion in damage, Syngenta researchers set out to develop
a breakthrough that would help alleviate a problem existing tools could
no longer control. After years of research, Solatenol emerged as the
standout foliar SDHI (succinate dehydrogenase inhibitor) fungicide,
which protects the outer layer of the leaf as well as the inner tissue.
“We developed a molecule that is intrinsically highly active on this
disease at low rates and with long-lasting effect,” says Eric Guicherit,
technical lead for arable fungicides at Syngenta. “In our trials,
Solatenol-treated soybeans yielded 240 to 480 kilograms per hectare (4
to 8 bushels per acre) above the best market standard.”
While the Asian soybean rust epidemic inspired the creation of Solatenol
fungicide, the applications for this potent active ingredient expanded
well beyond South American soybean fields. Syngenta researchers quickly
discovered multiple uses across more than 10 crops in the U.S.
“Even though we don’t have the widespread epidemic that Brazil had, we
think U.S. growers should have access to this proven technology,” says
Allison Tally, Ph.D., technical fungicide lead for Syngenta. “Our
research shows that Solatenol fungicide has outstanding intrinsic
activity on many diseases, including rusts, leaf spots, Southern stem
rot and apple scab.”
As a result, Syngenta has created four Solatenol-based products
specifically formulated for the specialty, vegetable and row crop
markets. The products are currently pending approval by the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
Potent Performance
The lineup of upcoming Solatenol-containing
formulations includes Trivapro™, Elatus®, Aprovia® and Aprovia® Top.
Upon registration from the EPA, each will provide excellent preventive
disease control, reliable crop safety, long-lasting residual control,
tank-mix flexibility and a chemistry that is 10 times more effective
than other SDHI fungicides. Each formulation will also bring unique
rewards to its respective market:
Trivapro: Harder Working, Longer Lasting
Developed for corn, soybean and wheat growers, Trivapro will be the
first fungicide to contain three modes of action with availability in
all three crops. A combination of Solatenol fungicide, azoxystrobin and
propiconazole, Trivapro has outperformed current market offerings and
demonstrated excellent activity on rusts, leaf spots and other key
diseases in preregistration trials.
“Trivapro performed better than anything else in our wheat trials, even
under very intense stripe rust and leaf spot pressure,” says Peter
Bruno, president of Agricumbia Resources Company in Richmond, Texas.
“The level of disease control is phenomenal. In my 30 years in the
business, this is one of the few products that really excites me. It’s a
compound you’ll remember for the rest of your life.”
The preventive and curative activity of Trivapro also is evident in corn
research trials. “In our plots in Kansas, Trivapro was applied at green
silk and controlled Southern rust throughout the grain-fill period,”
says Spencer McIntosh, agronomy service representative for Syngenta. “It
really stood out compared to the other treatments.”
A primary source of Trivapro's strength comes from its multiple modes of
action. “When you have three different modes of action that are all
unique, a fungus must overcome three different mechanisms to become
resistant,” says Eric Tedford, Ph.D., technical fungicide lead at
Syngenta. “This makes the process of developing resistance much more
Beyond disease control and resistance management, growers can expect
Trivapro to deliver crop-enhancement benefits as well. While these
benefits may be harder to see during the growing season, the effects
become evident at harvest. Trivapro-treated crops have stronger stalks
and pods, enabling them to dry down in fields longer. Trivapro also
helps reduce lodging and shattering, which ultimately decreases
volunteer crops, improves harvestability and increases profit potential.
Elatus: A One-Two Punch
Keeping the intense disease spray regimens of peanuts and potatoes in
mind, Syngenta developed Elatus, a formulation of Solatenol fungicide
and azoxystrobin.
Upon registration, Elatus will control Southern stem rot white mold
(commonly known as white mold in the Southeast), leaf spot and other
costly diseases in peanuts. “In our Elatus trials, we saw a product that
managed disease and resistance,” says Bob Kemerait, Ph.D., University of Georgia Extension specialist. “It will be an important tool for
resistance management.”
Elatus also will offer tank-mix and application flexibility in peanuts,
making it a good addition to season-long fungicide programs.
“Elatus will bring more flexibility, broader spectrum control and longer
residual activity,” Tally says. “The impact on yield has been
remarkable. In peanuts, we saw a 2,000-pound-per-acre yield bump over an
untreated control and an 800-pound-per-acre increase over the current
fungicide standards.”
Potato growers will also benefit from using Elatus. Developed for
in-furrow use, Elatus will provide excellent control of Rhizoctonia and
other diseases, resulting in improved emergence, more uniform crop stand
and optimized distribution of tuber size.
Aprovia: A Powerful Tool
Understanding the unique management of pome fruit and grape diseases,
Syngenta developed the solo Solatenol formulation Aprovia to give
growers of these crops more flexibility in their spray programs.
“Aprovia may have the best activity of any of the SDHIs against apple
scab,” says George Sundin, Ph.D., Michigan State University Extension specialist. “And the new chemistry will be important for resistance
management. With an effective active ingredient, it’s a fungicide
growers will be happy to have in their disease-management programs.”
Upon registration, pome growers can also look to Aprovia for control of
powdery mildew, fly speck and sooty blotch. And in grapes, Aprovia will
offer enhanced control of anthracnose, leaf blight, black rot and other
economically important diseases.
Aprovia Top: Quality Control
Cucurbit and vegetable growers can look forward to Aprovia Top, a premix
of Solatenol fungicide and difenoconazole. Formulated to protect yield
and enhance crop quality, Aprovia Top will provide excellent preventive
activity to help safeguard fruiting and cucurbit vegetables against
early blight, powdery mildew and gummy stem blight.
Ohio State University Extension Specialist Sally Miller, Ph.D., trialed the fungicide on tomato and cucurbit crops and says, “Upon registration,
I can confidently recommend Aprovia Top as an addition to growers’
fungicide programs because of its efficacy against early blight,
anthracnose and powdery mildew.”
While Trivapro, Elatus, Aprovia and Aprovia Top promise to help growers
take disease control to new levels, Syngenta will continue to invest and
innovate to help make sure its customers stay way ahead of the status