Grow More Experience Sites Go Virtual
Growers now have access to virtual tours that highlight the latest trials, practices and crop management insights.

It can be a challenge to keep up with innovations and understand how new crop protection products can improve a farming operation. While in-person Grow More™ Experience sites have provided local opportunities for growers to touch, see, tear, and dig into site trials, traveling to events doesn’t always fit with busy schedules.
Syngenta now offers Grow More Experience Virtual Tours that are only a click away. Eastern and western Midwest regions each have nine tour stops that highlight the latest trials, practices and crop management insights — all delivered from local agronomic experts. With topics ranging from soybean seedcare to corn rootworm management, the virtual tours have information that will be beneficial to all growers in the Midwest.
Start a tour today at
Grow More™ is a trademark of a Syngenta Group Company.
Syngenta now offers Grow More Experience Virtual Tours that are only a click away. Eastern and western Midwest regions each have nine tour stops that highlight the latest trials, practices and crop management insights — all delivered from local agronomic experts. With topics ranging from soybean seedcare to corn rootworm management, the virtual tours have information that will be beneficial to all growers in the Midwest.
Start a tour today at
Grow More™ is a trademark of a Syngenta Group Company.
#DYK Syngenta now offers Grow More Experience Virtual Tours? Access to trials, practices and #crop management insights are just a click away.
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