Seed Treatment Offers SDS Protection Without Stressing Soybean Plants
Saltro fungicide seed treatment provides superior SDS protection without plant stress.

One of the most beautiful sights to a soybean grower is clean, uniform rows of green plants stretching for acres into the horizon. A healthy crop is often a source of pride as his or her neighbors drive down the road, admiring the results of diligent, season-long management. One of the best ways to end up with a uniform stand is to start out that way at emergence. The last thing growers want to do after carefully selecting their genetics is treat with a seed treatment that stresses soybeans and causes visible damage.
Phytotoxicity is a toxic effect on plant growth by a compound. The physical expression can manifest in many ways including, but not limited to, chlorosis (yellowing), necrosis (tissue death), stunted growth, loss of plant stand and even plant death.
Until recently, growers have only had one seed treatment option to protect against sudden death syndrome (SDS), ILeVO® seed treatment. Soybeans can have difficulty metabolizing the active ingredient in ILeVO, fluopyram, resulting in a situation that often leads to phytotoxicity on the cotyledons of ILeVO-treated soybeans. This development causes unnecessary stress on the plant during the critical early-growth stage that can affect yield potential. While soybeans typically “grow out” of these early signs of stress above the ground, the lasting impact on root development and yield potential can linger all the way through harvest.
“While ILeVO has good efficacy against SDS, it also has a little baggage,” says Dale Ireland, Ph.D., technical lead with Syngenta Seedcare. “ILeVO-treated soybeans may eventually appear to recover from the early-season plant stress above the surface, commonly known as the “halo effect.’”
However, Ireland notes that below the ground, a stunted root system can remain. “For a seed treatment to be effective, you want it to be efficacious,” he says. “But you also don’t want it to hold back, hinder or negatively impact any growth and development.”
While SDS- and SCN-resistant varieties help protect against these pests, the right seed treatment offers the added protection soybeans need to help reach maximum yield potential.
“If you’re a soybean grower, you shouldn’t have to give up early plant health to get SDS protection,” says Paul Oklesh, product lead with Syngenta Seedcare. “Until now, growers have had limited choices to protect against SDS and nematodes. With Saltro, growers have access to an upgraded solution with more power to fight SDS and nematodes, without the stress.”
Phytotoxicity is a toxic effect on plant growth by a compound. The physical expression can manifest in many ways including, but not limited to, chlorosis (yellowing), necrosis (tissue death), stunted growth, loss of plant stand and even plant death.
Until recently, growers have only had one seed treatment option to protect against sudden death syndrome (SDS), ILeVO® seed treatment. Soybeans can have difficulty metabolizing the active ingredient in ILeVO, fluopyram, resulting in a situation that often leads to phytotoxicity on the cotyledons of ILeVO-treated soybeans. This development causes unnecessary stress on the plant during the critical early-growth stage that can affect yield potential. While soybeans typically “grow out” of these early signs of stress above the ground, the lasting impact on root development and yield potential can linger all the way through harvest.
“For a seed treatment to be effective, you want it to be efficacious. But you also don’t want it to hold back, hinder or negatively impact any growth and development.”
“While ILeVO has good efficacy against SDS, it also has a little baggage,” says Dale Ireland, Ph.D., technical lead with Syngenta Seedcare. “ILeVO-treated soybeans may eventually appear to recover from the early-season plant stress above the surface, commonly known as the “halo effect.’”
However, Ireland notes that below the ground, a stunted root system can remain. “For a seed treatment to be effective, you want it to be efficacious,” he says. “But you also don’t want it to hold back, hinder or negatively impact any growth and development.”
Saltro fungicide #seedtreatment provides superior SDS protection without plant stress. #aginnovation
Unlike ILeVO, Saltro® fungicide seed treatment — the new SDS offering from Syngenta — provides superior SDS protection without the stress, as well as robust activity against nematodes, including soybean cyst nematode (SCN).
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While SDS- and SCN-resistant varieties help protect against these pests, the right seed treatment offers the added protection soybeans need to help reach maximum yield potential.
“If you’re a soybean grower, you shouldn’t have to give up early plant health to get SDS protection,” says Paul Oklesh, product lead with Syngenta Seedcare. “Until now, growers have had limited choices to protect against SDS and nematodes. With Saltro, growers have access to an upgraded solution with more power to fight SDS and nematodes, without the stress.”