Water's Worth
Seven factors that limit crop productivity are explained.
Fred Below, Ph.D., a professor of crop physiology in the department of crop sciences at the University of Illinois, has devoted much of his career researching the various factors that limit crop productivity. On his website Seven Wonders of the Corn Yield World, Below ranks weather as the No. 1 factor affecting corn yields. All seven factors and the reasons they made Below's list are described below:
"Of all these factors affecting crop yield, it's ironic that the most important one is also the most uncontrollable, unpredictable and unmanageable," Below says. Fortunately, integrated water-optimization technologies and strategies are helping growers overcome a lot of the uncertainty around weather - at least when it comes to rainfall or lack thereof.

Below's research indicates that weather is the most important factor in achieving high-yielding corn, and it interacts with each of the other yield wonders.
Below's research indicates that weather is the most important factor in achieving high-yielding corn, and it interacts with each of the other yield wonders.

This is the biggest factor under the grower's control that impacts corn yields, but one that weather heavily influences, Below notes.
This is the biggest factor under the grower's control that impacts corn yields, but one that weather heavily influences, Below notes.

Hybrid Selection
Advances in biotechnology have resulted in significant differences in yields among hybrids, Below notes, so selecting the right one is critical.
Advances in biotechnology have resulted in significant differences in yields among hybrids, Below notes, so selecting the right one is critical.

Previous Crop
Continuous cropping of corn costs yield, Below says. On fields where growers rotate corn with soybeans, plants have better vigor and produce higher yields.
Continuous cropping of corn costs yield, Below says. On fields where growers rotate corn with soybeans, plants have better vigor and produce higher yields.

Plant Population
Higher yields come from higher plant populations. Below recommends narrower rows where growers can increase plant populations without decreasing the in-row plant spacing.
Higher yields come from higher plant populations. Below recommends narrower rows where growers can increase plant populations without decreasing the in-row plant spacing.

Reduced tillage saves soil and helps retain moisture and nutrients that plants need to yield better.
Reduced tillage saves soil and helps retain moisture and nutrients that plants need to yield better.

Growth Regulators
Below defines growth regulators as any compound that positively impacts plant growth. For example, he recommends protecting plants against foliar disease with a strobilurin fungicide. The results include greener leaves, healthier plants and improved yield performance.
Below defines growth regulators as any compound that positively impacts plant growth. For example, he recommends protecting plants against foliar disease with a strobilurin fungicide. The results include greener leaves, healthier plants and improved yield performance.
"Of all these factors affecting crop yield, it's ironic that the most important one is also the most uncontrollable, unpredictable and unmanageable," Below says. Fortunately, integrated water-optimization technologies and strategies are helping growers overcome a lot of the uncertainty around weather - at least when it comes to rainfall or lack thereof.