Broadworks Herbicide Receives Registration
The first HPPD inhibitor for use in tree nuts, stone fruit and citrus is now available to growers.

“Broadworks brings a new mode of action to the table for citrus, tree nut and stone fruit growers concerned about managing glyphosate-resistant broadleaf weeds,” says John Foresman, product lead with Syngenta. “It gives them a much-needed new tool for handling an increasingly challenging weed-management landscape.”
Broadworks is also an ideal tank-mix partner because its single active ingredient fits in well with other modes of action. “Broadworks is going to be a good partner for a number of other herbicides on the market,” says Brad Hanson, Ph.D., Cooperative Extension weed specialist at the University of California, Davis. “I see it as a really useful tool for a grower who takes a programmatic approach to weed control.”