Growers Benefit From the Convenience of Orondis Gold Premix
Fungicide offers disease control growers can count on — even under heavy disease pressure.

Orondis® Gold fungicide, now available in a premix formulation, adds convenience to the strength growers count on to conquer disease.
Containing oxathiapiprolin and mefenoxam, this combination of proven, trusted active ingredients in Orondis Gold delivers preventive, residual and systemic activity against a wide range of oomycete diseases in potatoes, tobacco, and cucurbit and fruiting vegetables.
With two modes of action, Orondis Gold offers disease control growers can count on — even under heavy disease pressure.
Learn how Orondis Gold premix offers disease control growers can count on, even under heavy disease pressure.
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Containing oxathiapiprolin and mefenoxam, this combination of proven, trusted active ingredients in Orondis Gold delivers preventive, residual and systemic activity against a wide range of oomycete diseases in potatoes, tobacco, and cucurbit and fruiting vegetables.
With two modes of action, Orondis Gold offers disease control growers can count on — even under heavy disease pressure.