NK Soybean Milestones
Syngenta celebrates 45 years of excellence in soybean breeding.

The Northrup King (NK®) soybean research program begins with the hiring of John Thorne, Ph.D. Thorne establishes a soybean research site in Iowa.
NK becomes the first private company (not a university) to sell a proprietary soybean variety.
NK releases its S31-33 variety, the first soybean cyst nematode (SCN) resistant NK variety in the Midwest.
NK grows its first genetically engineered soybeans.
NK pilots Q-Bit®, the first plastic box bulk soybean container.
Sandoz and Ciba merge to form Novartis, one of the largest corporate mergers in history.
NK sells its first Roundup Ready® soybeans.
NK introduces TruBulk®, a program that allows growers to pick up bulk soybean seed directly from participating local outlets.
Novartis and AstraZeneca merge their agribusinesses to form Syngenta, the first global group focused exclusively on agribusiness.
Syngenta acquires the Golden Harvest® and Garst® brands. Both companies begin selling NK soybeans.
Thorne receives the Genetics & Plant Breeding Award for Industry from the National Council of Commercial Plant Breeders at the Crop Science Society of America annual meeting.
NK 1 Class Soybeans become a new standard in soybean performance.
NK grows its first Roundup Ready 2 Xtend™ soybean lines in multilocation trials across the Midwest.
Syngenta launches the Yield Engineering System (Y.E.S.) Marker-Assisted Breeding innovation; data analytics accelerate NK product development and NK soybean yield gains.
Syngenta sells an SCN management tool that complements SCN-resistant NK varieties - Clariva™ Complete Beans nematicide/insecticide/fungicide seed treatment, a combination of separately registered products.
The Northrup King (NK®) soybean research program begins with the hiring of John Thorne, Ph.D. Thorne establishes a soybean research site in Iowa.
NK becomes the first private company (not a university) to sell a proprietary soybean variety.
NK releases its S31-33 variety, the first soybean cyst nematode (SCN) resistant NK variety in the Midwest.
NK grows its first genetically engineered soybeans.
NK pilots Q-Bit®, the first plastic box bulk soybean container.
Sandoz and Ciba merge to form Novartis, one of the largest corporate mergers in history.
NK sells its first Roundup Ready® soybeans.
NK introduces TruBulk®, a program that allows growers to pick up bulk soybean seed directly from participating local outlets.
Novartis and AstraZeneca merge their agribusinesses to form Syngenta, the first global group focused exclusively on agribusiness.
Syngenta acquires the Golden Harvest® and Garst® brands. Both companies begin selling NK soybeans.
Thorne receives the Genetics & Plant Breeding Award for Industry from the National Council of Commercial Plant Breeders at the Crop Science Society of America annual meeting.
NK 1 Class Soybeans become a new standard in soybean performance.
NK grows its first Roundup Ready 2 Xtend™ soybean lines in multilocation trials across the Midwest.
Syngenta launches the Yield Engineering System (Y.E.S.) Marker-Assisted Breeding innovation; data analytics accelerate NK product development and NK soybean yield gains.
Syngenta sells an SCN management tool that complements SCN-resistant NK varieties - Clariva™ Complete Beans nematicide/insecticide/fungicide seed treatment, a combination of separately registered products.