Growers Power Up With Potent Fungicide
Trivapro fungicide is positioned to become a staple in many growers’ disease-control programs, because it offers powerful, long-lasting protection.

First-year users participating in the 2016 survey rated Trivapro No. 1 in 17 different fungicide categories, including overall brand preference, higher yields, long-lasting preventive and curative disease control, and improved stalk strength and harvestability.
What accounts for the fungicide’s fast-paced race to the top? Its unique chemistry, says Andrew Fisher, fungicide brand manager at Syngenta.
Step-Change in Fungicide Technology
“Trivapro is a powerful fungicide with three active ingredients—Solatenol® fungicide, azoxystrobin and propiconazole—and three noncross-resistant modes of action,” says Fisher. “But what makes Trivapro truly unique is the Solatenol component.”
Research shows that Solatenol, a succinate dehydrogenase inhibitor (SDHI) fungicide, is 10 times more potent than any other SDHI on the market today and that lends to the increased length of residual disease control that Trivapro provides throughout the season.
“Solatenol is a breakthrough active ingredient because it binds tightly to the waxy layer of the leaf, preventing the plant from metabolizing Trivapro as quickly as other brands,” says Eric Tedford, Ph.D., technical product lead at Syngenta. “When an active ingredient like Solatenol binds this well on the plant, it stands up better against wind, rain, sunlight and other elements that wash off or degrade fungicides over time, allowing Trivapro to work harder and last longer than other fungicides.”
Additionally, Fisher notes that Trivapro provides several crop-enhancement benefits that help boost yield and profitability. These benefits include improving water-use efficiency during dry periods; protecting stalk and pod integrity to reduce lodging and improve pod retention; and sustaining green-leaf tissue for optimum photosynthesis and maximum grain-fill.
“When you have the combination of excellent disease control and proven crop-enhancement benefits in a single product like Trivapro, that product is going to help add on bushels and more than pay for itself by the end of the season,” Fisher says.
The Proof Is in the Fields
Syngenta field trials and growers’ side-by-side comparisons in 2016 showed the following:
- In corn, Trivapro increased yields by an average of 27 bushels per acre (bu/A) over untreated acres.1
- In soybeans, Trivapro increased yields by an average of 8 bu/A over untreated acres.2
- In wheat, Trivapro-treated acres produced yields between 11 and 27 bu/A more than untreated acres and those treated with competitive brands.3
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Boosting Yields in Corn, Despite the Weather
Like many corn growers throughout the South and Midwest, Luke Lauritsen from Arlington, Nebraska, experienced the long-lasting, potent effects of Trivapro firsthand. Also a Golden Harvest® Seed Advisor™, Lauritsen says the fungicide’s length of control and its ability to help his corn withstand inconsistent periods of rain and 70 mph winds were key benefits in 2016.
“Despite the adverse weather and other bad conditions we experienced, Trivapro fungicide kept our corn green and healthy,” he says. “We were very happy with its 45-day residual control.”
That extended residual control combined with the crop enhancement benefits from Trivapro resulted in a significant yield increase and improved harvestability when it was time to combine his corn.
“We’re seeing really good results in late plant health with Trivapro,” Lauritsen says. “The drydown is still good, and we’re seeing a 10 to 20 bu/A increase on our Trivapro-treated acres, compared to untreated fields.”
Extending the Soybean Pod-Fill Window
As in corn, Trivapro helps maximize soybean yield potential by protecting the plant from several sources of stress, including disease. With preventive and curative disease control, Trivapro helps plants maximize pod-fill by putting more energy toward producing yield, instead of fighting disease.“When you have the combination of excellent disease control and proven crop- enhancement benefits in a single product like Trivapro, that product is going to help add on bushels and more than pay for itself by the end of the season.”
One of the primary soybean diseases Trivapro defends against is frogeye leaf spot. This disease, present throughout the South and in the Midwest, thrives in humid conditions and can overwinter in crop residue. If soybean fields are soggy due to excessive rains, like the upper Midwest experienced last season, frogeye leaf spot can become a serious threat. However, that wasn’t the case for Ryan Larson, retailer and grower in Blooming Prairie, Minnesota.
“Frogeye leaf spot control with Trivapro was very good last season,” he says. “With the wet, saturated conditions we had, it did a good job of keeping the soybeans clean and disease-free.”
Larson says he would definitely recommend Trivapro to other growers in the area, based on his experience, and adds, “Looking at the different fungicides, Trivapro gives you your best chance of maximizing yield potential.”
Seeing is Believing in Wheat
Unique chemistry leads to step change in fungicide technology: @SyngentaUS #NotAfraidtoWork
Like many wheat growers, Randy James in Dayton, Washington, was hesitant about replacing an established product with a new one—until he tested Trivapro on his farm.
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James trialed Trivapro specifically to test the fungicide’s efficacy against stripe rust—a long-standing problem for his operation. He compared Trivapro to his typical go-to treatment combination of Priaxor® and Propi-Star® fungicides. The difference he saw between the two treatments was impressive.
“We didn’t expect to see a visual difference at all,” he says. “Usually, it takes a combine and a weigh wagon to see what’s going on. When we saw the visual, we knew that Trivapro was something special. It was just like night and day. It helped keep the plants healthy and took care of the stripe rust as well.”
James also experienced a yield bump with Trivapro. “When we looked at the yield, we had a 14-bushel increase compared to Priaxor and Propi-Star.”
At the end of the season, Syngenta understands that growers want to see fuller pods, larger ears and better-quality heads running through their combines. “All farmers want to improve their bottom lines,” Fisher says. “And using Trivapro will help give them the biggest bang for their buck.”
1 Based on 48 nonreplicated trials in the U.S. in 2016
2 Based on nine large plot trials in the U.S. in 2016
3 Based on five trials in the U.S. in 2016